Monday – Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 4:30pm
I’m a veteran or a Dependent of a veteran, how do I enroll?
- Attend a free CTE orientation. (Visit www.das.edu for dates and times.)
- Visit DAS’s Main Office or email DASVeterans@dusd.net to request an appointment with a School Certifying Official (SCO)
- Students must not enroll in any programs without completing step 2.
- Failure to meet with DAS’s SCO prior to enrollment could jeopardize certification of eligibility.
- Submit your Application for Education Benefits through VONAPP.
What should I bring to my appointment with the SCO?
Social security Card
Valid ID
Form-DD214 Member-4
C.O.E. if available
Transcripts if available
Social Security Card
Valid ID
Veteran's Form-DD214 Member-4
C.O.E. if available
Transcripts if available
All VA beneficiaries must provide transcripts for prior education and training to be evaluated, and proof of high school completion or equivalency.
What happens at my visit with the SCO?
- the SCO will go over your program plan, enrollment requirements, and scheduled tuition and fees.
- Student will sign the Statement of Understanding and will fill out enrollment agreement form.
- Once all eligibility documents have been verified by the SCO, the SCO will complete your enrollment into Das’s Va-approved program of your choice.
- SCO will complete Certification of Enrollment.
- Student will receive an email from VA regarding certification and next steps.

Approved Courses for veterans benefits
Come in and use your benefits:
- Advanced Private Security Academy
- Court Reporting (on campus only)
- Dental Assistant
- Vocational Nursing
- Massage Therapy
- Medical Biller Coder (on campus only)
- Medical Assistant (on campus only)
Please Note:
In order to qualify for full-time VA benefits, students must meet a minimum of 18 hours per week.
We encourage you to review the hours of class meetings prior to making your selection of CTE Program.
For more information
Please email DASVeterans@dusd.net
For any questions regarding your VA benefits contact...
1.888.GI-Bill-1 or log on to www.benefits.va.gov